Although awareness surrounding food sensitivities and allergies has grown exponentially in recent years, there still remains confusion about terminology and misconceptions about what exactly it means to have a sensitivity or allergy-restricted diet. To break that down, plus give us some tips, tricks, and recommendations, we chatted with Cassie Temple, the creator behind the food blog, My Stomach Hates Me.

Cassie Temple

Having lived in the Fargo area for most of her life, and having spent signifcant time alongside her grandmother in the kitchen, Cassie is all too familiar with the Midwestern love and craft for comfort food. Unfortunately, she learned over time she’s intolerant to gluten and dairy (two staples in traditional dishes around here). However, Cassie wasn’t ready to give up the foods she grew up with, so she set out to recreate her favorite dishes and eventually found success. After reinventing those comfort foods she grew up eating, she decided to turn her handwritten notes into digital recipes—and thus, was born! Cassie runs an Instagram account donning the same relatable name, with just under 5k followers, where she connects with a community of followers looking for recipes to!t their lifestyles.

“I am gluten and dairy free due to intolerances, not allergies. Allergy versus intolerance is very different, and then celiac is very different, which would be right up there with allergies [in terms of severity]. When it comes to cooking and restaurants, we’re all looking for the same thing, but they’re two very different pools. [For] the people who [have] celiac or have allergies, any cross-contamination can cause days or weeks of issues—my issues aren’t like that. If there’s cross-contamination, I’m okay. [but] I might not feel great. It totally depends.”

Did you know?
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease “where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine.” according to the Celiac Disease Foundation. The website also estimates that the disease affects 1 in 100 people worldwide. but only about 30% are properly diagnosed!

People are so much more open-minded [about food intolerances and allergies] now than I think they used to be. I think even five years ago when you said gluten intolerance or gluten-free at a restaurant, somebody would look at you, and you’d get that server that would roll their eyes because there were some people who turned it into a fad diet. People take it more seriously now. You go to restaurants and they have specific gluten-free menus and the stress of going out to eat is just not as much of a thing anymore,” Cassie said. In general, people are just more educated on it, more accepting of the fact that people do have to live like this. Believe me, I did not wake up one day and decide, ‘I will never eat regular cheese again,’ because there is no real replacement, it does not taste the same. Not eating a pile of nachos was not a choice that I made.”

Gluten Free

When a restaurant has an item or a separate menu labeled “Gluten-Free,” it means those dishes are or can be made without gluten-containing ingredients and the workspace in the kitchen is free from any cross-contamination from ingredients that may contain gluten. If someone has a severe allergy to gluten, something as simple as measuring gluten-free flour with the same spoon that measured glutenous flour can cause a painful reaction.



When a restaurant has an item or note on the menu that says, “Gluten-Friendly,” it means those dishes can be made Without gluten-containing ingredients, but that they cannot ensure that the item will not have cross-contamination With other glutenous ingredients in the kitchen. Although reactions are very dependent on the person, for someone with a sensitivity to gluten (not an allergy)cross-contamination may not affect them.

There’s a huge difference between [gluten] friendly and free. For example, Sandy’s Donuts just released something that said, ‘We’re not gluten-free, we’re gluten-friendly,’ and it makes sense for them. They don’t want to be responsible for somebody having a reaction. I think this community really respects when a restaurant will just disclose what they are. Especially for me, it’s one thing, for somebody who has celiac it’s another thing. [For] a lot of people, it’s their children, and that is 100 times scarier. It’s way better to know, this is off-limits now, so let’s find a replacement.”

Whatever your restrictions are when it comes to your diet, there are many more options for dining than there used to be. And the same goes for cooking!

Keep an eye out on Cassie’s Instagram, @mystomachhatesme, this summer as she is going on the hunt for the best gluten and dairy-free pizza in the FM area!

For her recipes, Cassie has a few favorite spots around town to pick up must-haves for stocking the pantry. After you’ve picked up some items from your shopping list, you might try out a recipe… but the kitchen can still be a bit daunting. If you or someone you’re cooking for has a diet that’s restricted by gluten, dairy, or anything else, it can sometimes be overwhelming in the kitchen. There may be a lot of experimenting as you go. Check out some of Cassie’s tips and tricks in the kitchen!

Mehl Gluten Free Bakery & Deli
Mehl’s Gluten-Free Flour + breakfast sandwiches + pizzas

Natural Grocers
Primal kitchen; Buffalo Ranch, No Dairy Queso Style Plant-Based Dip, Chipotle Lime Mayo, No Dairy Garlic Alfredo

Real Good Foods plant-based queso – “So good in enchiladas and on tacos!”

Crackers – “They have a lot of random brands but they always have a great stash of gluten-free crackers and chips!”

Siete Tortilla Chips – You can also find these at Cashwise, but it’s worth it to check out the bulk-sized option at Costo to see if it fits your shopping list better!

Primal Kitchen dressings + Barilla gluten-free pasta + Siete Tortilla Chips

“[The brand] daiya makes gluten and dairy-free Mac & Cheese that’s pretty good!”

Cooking Tips & Tricks

“My most common recommendation, especially for someone just starting a gluten or dairy-free diet, is to meal prep. It can be really overwhelming to realize how many foods you eat have gluten or dairy in them and you had no idea. When you meal prep, it takes all of the worries out of your meals.”

Keep a list of go-to meals on your phone. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and restaurants. So when you need something in a pinch, you don’t have to think too hard about it.”

“Your gluten-free pasta will go ‘not ready, not ready, not ready, READY—blink, and then overcooked.’ Watch it closely!

Gluten-free bread is a joke. It’s 4 times the cost and ¼ the size. I honestly don’t eat it at all anymore, I gave up on it.”

Gluten-free wraps fall apart so if you’re like me and you love them, you can warm it up! [Warm it up] for 10 seconds, add your toppings, wrap it up, wrap foil around it and peel off the top so the wrap is all cozy and contained while you eat. Tear it off as you go.”

“Amazing dairy-free cheese does not exist. There are decent substitutes, but if you’re craving pizza, get a schar-gluten-free crust and choose a pizza with a ton of toppings. I love doing Cuban and taco pizzas so I skip the cheese and don’t miss it at all.”

“When cooking at home, I know this sounds so generic, but just pick a new recipe every week, something you haven’t tried, and go for it. Every recipe I made when I first started was terrible round one, edible round two, and shareable round three. Now I have a much better grasp on what works and what doesn’t, but in the beginning, it’s all about experimenting. I have had so many hilarious Pinterest fails, and that’s when you grab a Mehl’s gluten and dairy-free pizza and call it a night.”


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