I’m hungry all the time. This is common, especially in the first two weeks of the program. You’re probably used to running on sugar for energy, but you’re not eating sugar all the time anymore, so your body is craving energy. That translates to hunger, even if you don’t actually need the calories. The good news is that your body has an alternate fuel source (fat) that you’ll be really good at using in the next week or two. So remember, this too shall pass. In the meantime, if you’re hungry, go ahead and eat an extra meal or a snack—just make sure it follows our guidelines. Trying to prop up your energy levels with handfuls of dried fruit or a fruit smoothie is only setting your cause back. I’m never hungry. This is also common, especially in the first two weeks of the program. The food you’re eating on your Whole30 is much more satiating than the foods-with-no-brakes you used to eat, and your body isn’t used to being this well fed. This may make you feel less than hungry when lunch or dinner rolls around. However, three meals a day is really the bare minimum you need to stay healthy, both calorie and micronutrient-wise, so stick with it. Generally by the second or third week, your hunger will self-regulate, and you’ll find yourself ready for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. How much fruit is too much? That depends on a few factors. What season is it? It’s really normal to eat lots more fruit in the summer, when it’s fresh and available, and you’re generally more active (hiking, biking, and spending more time exploring the outdoors). Why are you eating it? If you’re reaching for a banana or grapes to prop up your sugar cravings, we’d ask you to rethink that strategy. You don’t want to end up with the same cravings after your program, and continuing to feed your brain the sweetest stuff allowed every time it pitches a tantrum isn’t really changing your habits. How active are you? If you’re an athlete, weekend warrior, or generally active person, you may need to purposefully incorporate fruit into your day to provide more carbohydrates. In summary, how much fruit you eat is up to you. We generally recommend starting with two servings of fruit a day, eaten with meals (not by itself), but don’t stress if you end up with four or five servings on a hot summer day, or no fruit at all over a cold winter weekend. ✪TIP: Be extra cautious with dried fruit. It’s basically nature’s candy—especially dates—so save it for outdoor activities like a long hike or bike ride, or on-the-go emergency food. In addition, read your labels when it comes to things like cranberries or cherries—make sure they’re unsweetened (or sweetened with apple juice, not sugar). How many eggs are too many? You’d be hard-pressed to eat too many eggs in one sitting— Dallas will eat a five-egg omelet some mornings. As we explained in Chapter 13 of It Starts With Food, you don’t have to be afraid of the fat or cholesterol in eggs if you are eating a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet like the Whole30. Of course, you should vary your protein sources—if you eat eggs every day for breakfast, you’re missing out on the different micronutrients found in salmon, steak, or other protein sources. But don’t worry about eating two, three, or even five eggs at a time. ✪TIP: Pastured, organic eggs are a great bang for your protein buck—even at $6 a carton, that’s still just $1.50 per (average) meal. Look for words like “pasture-raised” on the carton (which is very different from “free-range” or “cage-free”), or better yet, ask your local farmer what the chickens are fed and how they live. That’s a lot of meat. That’s not really a question, is it? You may be thinking “so much meat” because we’re asking you to include an animal protein source with every meal. Please note, however, that the serving sizes are actually quite moderate (as low as one palm-sized serving three times a day, which is right in line with the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance), and it’s balanced with lots and lots of plant matter. Plus, not every meal needs to include red meat, bacon, or sausage—mix in fish and shellfish, poultry, pork, and eggs to get a good variety of amino acids and micronutrients. That’s a lot of fat. We know it may look like you’re eating tons of fat with each meal, but that’s only because we’ve been conditioned to see all fat as bad. If you’re trying to train your body to effectively utilize fat as fuel, you’ve got to give it some of that fuel, don’t you? Plus, fat is a huge player in satiety, and makes your food taste 73 percent better. (That’s science.) So don’t be afraid of a half an avocado or a few tablespoons of cooking oil with each meal. In fact, you may find you need to add even more fat than the meal template calls for, if you’re large or active. ✪TIP: We’ve got safe, healthy, sustainable weight loss built right into our model, because we know that is a major goal for the majority of you—so do not cut your fat intake below the low end of our recommended range. Trying to outsmart the system in an effort to lose weight faster may very well backfire. Your delicate hormone balance will be thrown off if you’re chronically underfeeding yourself—plus you’ll be hungry all the time, and your energy levels will take a dive, and you’ll be cranky because you’re tired and hungry. So stick to the lower end of our spectrum if you want, but resist the urge to cut your fat intake even more, because as crazy as it sounds, eating less could be counterproductive to your weight-loss efforts. Should I add less fat if my protein source is fatty? Nope. Some meals, your meat will be fatty (like salmon or a rib eye), other meals it will be lean (like chicken or pork chops). As you are varying your protein throughout the week, it all evens out in the end. Just stick to the template and add the recommended amounts of fat at each meal, regardless of your protein source. Does cooking fat count as added fat? It does, but that’s generally not enough to satisfy your “added fat” requirement. (You’re generally using only a tablespoon or two of fat per meal, and some of that gets left in the pan.) If cooking fat is the only fat in the recipe, and/or if you choose to drain the naturally occurring fat from your meal (like with ground beef), make sure you add some fat back in some other form. Also, feel free to combine fats in any one meal; just choose from the lower end of the spectrum if you’re eating more than one. For example, if you want to top your Perfect Burger with both Buffalo Sauce and Guacamole, just use a smaller serving of each. ✪TIP: Don’t stress about this! Use your body’s hunger and fullness signals to guide you, and remember that because you’re eating a wide variety of foods and meals, a little more fat in this meal will naturally balance itself out with a little less fat in a meal you’ll eat later in the week. When I make these recipes, I end up with too much or not enough food for two people. The serving sizes here are just general guidelines—it’s impossible to choose one serving size that will suit everybody’s needs. If you find you need more protein in each meal, go ahead and up the amounts in each recipe—unless you need to double the meat, you shouldn’t need to adjust the amounts of accompanying dressings, sauces, or spices. If you find you have too many leftovers, scale back appropriately. (And always feel free to add more vegetables to any of our dishes!) O grocery shopping “As a professional athlete, what I use to fuel my body is of paramount importance. To get the best results, I have to know exactly what I eat for each meal, but before the Whole30, that wasn’t easy. I’m sensitive to gluten and dairy, but I never knew where those ingredients were hidden. The Whole30 has been invaluable—it made me a label-reading guru! I look for single, whole ingredients or foods with very few ingredients. I know how to avoid sneaky sugars, gluten, and dairy, and translate labels with science-y or healthy-sounding ingredients that aren’t good for me. Since I’ve done a few Whole30s, I’ve learned to easily shop for and prepare the most flavorful, healthy foods I’ve ever had in my life!” —ERICA TINGEY, UCI PROFESSIONAL CYCLIST AND TWOTIME NATIONAL CHAMPION ne of the most common challenges for people new to the Whole30 is grocery shopping. You can no longer dash through the store picking up the usual—on the Whole30, every product with a label requires a critical review, and you may have to stock your kitchen with some foods you’re not used to buying. Also, this may be more expensive than the way you’re used to shopping. We just wanted to address that up front, and put it into perspective. Eating real food does cost more than eating heavily processed fast-food or convenience foods, and stocking your Whole30 kitchen may require some up-front purchases of more costly items things like cooking oils or spices. But isn’t eating whole, nutrient-dense, health-promoting foods that make you look, feel, and live your best worth a few extra dollars? Most people find they want to prioritize healthy food once they start feeling better, and are willing to spend a little less in other areas of their lives (like the cable bill, high-priced coffees, or upgrading your smartphone) to make room for grass-fed meats and organic vegetables. Many people even find they’re saving money on the Whole30 by cooking at home and not spending money on impulse junk foods, alcohol, and dining out. Regardless, we understand that your budget and time aren’t unlimited, so let’s talk about making the most of your Whole30 grocery shopping experience. First, You Must Plan The most important thing you can do to save time, money, and frustration during your first Whole30 can be summed up in two words: Meal. Plan. We’ve already talked about this, right? (Refresh your memory.) By planning your Whole30 meals a few days ahead of time and making a detailed shopping list for each meal, you’ll be shopping only for the ingredients you need, and will be less tempted to add “extras” to your cart—these extras can really add up! You’ll also be far less likely to waste food, as everything you buy is needed in one recipe or another. It’s also incredible stress-relieving to have a meal plan. Knowing your dinner is already simmering in the slow cooker means far less worry during your work day, and far less temptation to call for pizza when you get home hungry and cranky. THE PLANNING PLAN Habit and change research shows that the best plans are detailed, yet not so long-reaching that they become overwhelming. Planning too far in advance (like a whole month of meals) is a lot of work, and what if you don’t feel like steak two weeks from Tuesday? Planning for the next three to seven days is perfect; you’re not expending effort thinking about what you’ll eat every single day, but it’s not so long that you feel married to the plan. It also helps your brain achieve some “small wins” quickly—successfully navigating your first few days of Whole30 meals is just the kind of milestone that gives you the self-confidence to keep going. Decide how many days you’ll plan based on how often you can go to the grocery store, and how flexible you want to be with your food choices and your budget. After you’ve decided which meals to make, you can turn that into a detailed shopping list. To make creating your own shopping list easier, download our free template from www.whole30.com/pdf-downloads, check off the items you need, and write the type (pork shoulder vs. pork ribs), quantity, or amount next to the ingredient. Now that you have your meal plan and a shopping list, it’s time to hit the grocery store. But wait—you should have a plan for this, too! First, give yourself plenty of time to grocery shop, especially if it’s a pre-Whole30 “stock your kitchen” kind of outing. Don’t go into the store thinking you’ll be out in your usual 20 minutes —reading labels and finding new ingredients takes time. If you have kids, leave them at home if you can. Dedicating an hour alone to shop at your leisure will reduce any stress you might be feeling, and give you the chance to practice some of these guidelines before you shop again with kids in tow. If your partner or spouse wants to shop and learn with you, even better—unless you’re afraid they’ll behave like a toddler, in which case you should probably leave them home, too. SHOPPING STRATEGY Going when stores are less crowded will make you feel less rushed and more free to explore products and read labels at your leisure. Check with your local store to get an idea of their delivery schedule and sale cycles, and time your trip to coincide with the days when bins are the fullest and things are on sale. But don’t go right after work—stores are packed with people stopping in for “just one thing.” Your best bet is to go home, have dinner, then head back out around 7 p.m. Not surprisingly, weekend afternoons are the busiest time, and generally when shelves are more bare—but many families make Sunday their designated “food prep day.” The key is choosing a strategy that works for you, and then making it part of your weekly routine. Shop Smart Now you’re in the store, shopping list in hand . . . So where do you start? To make the most of your grocery store budget, shop strategically. There’s a reason protein comes first on our shopping list—focus on meat, seafood, and eggs first, buying grass-fed or pastured if you can. If your budget is really tight, you may want to meal plan around what you see on sale in your grocery store flyer, or choose recipes that use more economical cuts of meat (like our Braised Beef Brisket, Cod with Mushroom and Red Pepper Relish, or Roasted Pork Shoulder with Butternut Squash, Kale, and Tomatoes) instead of buying expensive tenderloins or halibut. Don’t overlook frozen burgers, salmon, or shrimp—they’re an economical way to buy high-quality meat. Just make sure to read your labels carefully, as many prepackaged burgers or patties include off-plan ingredients. Finally, even at $6 a dozen for pastured and organic, eggs are still your cheapest protein source. PRIORITIZE PROTEIN “Going organic” is not a part of our Whole30 rules, although we highly recommend it where you can afford to do so. If you only have the budget to buy a few organic items, we’d have you prioritize your animal protein sources over vegetables and fruit. Pesticides aren’t delicious, but we believe the negative health consequences of factory farming are so detrimental to the animal (and the meat it produces) that it’s most critical for you to source animals raised in a natural environment and fed a natural diet. Look for words like 100 percent grass-fed, grass-finished, pastured, and organic on your label, or ask your butcher how the animal was raised and fed. For more information on sourcing healthy protein and produce, see Resources. Next, move to the produce section, buying organic vegetables, fruit, and fresh herbs only if you can afford it. Spend your organic dollars on those fruits or vegetables you can’t peel (like lettuce or berries), and buy things with a peel or removable skin (like avocado or onions) conventionally. Fresh herbs really add punch to a meal; find them in the produce section, too. (Cilantro and parsley are usually kept by the green onions, while basil, dill, thyme, and others are usually sold in small plastic packages.) Canned vegetables are also an economical option; you can find canned sweet potato, butternut squash, and pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling!) at most grocery store chains. Be sure your canned fruit is packed in water or fruit juice, however, not a sugary syrup. GO SEASONAL! Thanks to modern farming practices, you can find just about any fruit or vegetable year-round these days, but learning which foods are at their peak throughout the year is a healthy and economical shopping strategy. Buying produce when it’s fresh and in season means the vegetables and fruit are more nutritious. (Since out-of-season produce may be shipped from thousands of miles away, it spends many days in transit, all the while losing some of the key nutrients.) It’s also less expensive, as buying grapes in March means long shipping times, high fuel costs, and other factors that all add up to an insanely huge price tag. Finally, eating seasonally naturally guarantees a healthy variety in your diet, which means your body is getting a wide array of micronutrients to keep it healthy. You can download our Seasonal Produce Guide at www.whole30.com/pdf-downloads. Finally, go frozen! Frozen vegetables are an economical and easy way to get your greens (and reds, and yellows) in. Just make sure your vegetable mix isn’t full of corn, lima beans, or other off-plan “vegetables,” and don’t come swimming in a sugary sauce. Frozen fruit (like berries) are also a great way to get a taste of summertime in February without the high prices of offseason fruit. The aisles are your next stop, for healthy fats and pantry items. Plan to stock up on healthy fats over time, as these can be the most expensive items on your bill, after protein. First, buy a few different kinds of cooking fats, as you’ll use these every day. Prioritize extra-virgin olive oil, unrefined coconut oil, and butter (clarifying it yourself is cheaper than buying ghee), as you’ll use these most frequently with these recipes. They’re pricey, but you’ll only have to stock up once every month or two, so consider them an investment. Next, add the fats you’ll need for your meals, like avocado (back in the produce section), full-fat coconut milk, or coconut flakes, and grab some canned olives as back-up. Finally, shop for nuts and seeds as part of your meal plan, or as an easy on-thego fat source. Buy just the amount you need from the bulk bins —it’s less expensive than buying a whole bag—and if you buy mixed nuts, make sure your mix doesn’t contain peanuts! Finally, stock your pantry with what you’ll need for your meal plan, and if you can swing it, pick up a few basics. (Use our shopping list as your guide.) This includes checking off at least a few often-used spices (like salt, pepper, ground mustard, cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, and onion powder), and adding to your collection over time as you can afford it. HERB HELP You can’t beat the flavor punch of fresh herbs, but if you’re trying to stretch your grocery store dollars, you can substitute dried herbs in any of our recipes. The general ratio is 1:3 (one teaspoon of dried herbs for every tablespoon of fresh). It’s not super important to get this ratio exactly right— herbs are very forgiving, and you might discover you like a lot more cilantro or dill than our recipes call for. It’s also really easy to grow your own basil, thyme, or rosemary at home! All you need are a few pots, a sunny counter space or table, and a watering can. As for how often you should shop, that’s really up to you. There are a few benefits to shopping more frequently (a few times a week, versus once a week). First, because all the ingredients you’re buying are perishable, grocery shopping more frequently means all that fresh food is far less likely to spoil before you can use it—another money-saving bonus. Plus, being able to shop a few times a week means you can meal plan just a few days at a time, allowing you more room to include newly discounted foods in your plan, or better accommodate for your family’s tastes or requests. However, you may not have time in your schedule to meal plan, prep, and shop a few times a week. Shopping once a week certainly makes things easy from a time perspective, and can help you better track your grocery budget. If that’s the case, you’ll want to extend your meal plan out to seven days, and take the time to make a detailed shopping list for every dish. Start with a clean refrigerator (eat up last week’s leftovers!), because you’ll need the space for your big haul. Finally, let your family know that what’s on the plan is exactly what you’re eating—but you’ll take special requests in time for next week’s shopping trip. Y dining out “I followed this plan for the 30 days and a little while afterward. I was an insulin-dependent type 2 diabetic and now I am off of all my medications (under the supervision of my doctor). I did not think that this could happen, but it did. I would like to encourage people to try it for the 30 days suggested. It has truly changed my life.” —JOANN H., CITY/STATE WITHHELD our Whole30 will likely involve at least one attempt to navigate a restaurant menu. For those who travel often for work, or “wine and dine” as part of your profession, you may find yourself in a restaurant or airport food court more days than not. When you’re new to this way of eating, dining out can be challenging and stressful. Our goal is to make your Whole30 business lunch, family dinner, or cross-country travel easier (and more delicious). But first, let’s get one thing out of the way. Accept right here and now that at times, you’re probably going to feel like “That Person.” You know, the one who asks questions about everything, makes about a thousand substitutions, and then still has to send something back? Yeah. That might be you. Accept it, embrace it, and then take our advice and do it without ticking off your waiter, the chef, or your dining partners. Follow our strategies and you get what you want, your waiter feels happy to have helped you, and your dining partners don’t even notice you didn’t eat the bread. Everybody wins. Here is our timeline for a happy, healthy Whole30 restaurant adventure

Ahead of Time First, when dining with a group, take charge and suggest a restaurant that meets your specifications at every opportunity. “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know, where do you want to go?” This is where you step in and say, “Let’s go here! The food is great, you’ll love it.” You’ll look like a champ for being decisive, and you get to better control your dining environment. GOOGLE! Smaller, local restaurants are generally more accommodating to substitutions or customization than larger chains. If you don’t know the area, search for terms like “organic breakfast,” “farm-to-table,” or “grass-fed burger” on a review service like Yelp, or search for the same terms on the Web. Do a little research about the restaurant before you go. The more time you have, the more you’ll be able to find out. Browse through their menu online, taking note of any table-side specials (like warm bread or chips and salsa), seeking out their allergen statements or gluten-free menu, and noting any special policies —no substitutions could be a problem for you in this situation. Plan your order now, so you won’t be tempted by other less healthy dishes when you arrive. If you have time, call the restaurant. Ask about their cooking fats, and find out how willing they are to accommodate your specific dietary needs. Let the host(ess) or manager know that you’re coming, that you’ll have some specific food requests, and thank them in advance for accommodating you. BYO EVERYTHING If your meal is casual or amongst friends, feel free to pack your own salad dressing or bottle of coconut aminos. Your waiter won’t care, and you’ll have one less substitution to consider. We wouldn’t advise this during a job interview, however. Some people would think it weird, even if it’s a totally normal thing for Whole30ers. When Ordering Now, a little pep talk: instead of feeling self-conscious about the requests you’re about to make, take ownership! There is a way to be clear in your requests without being bossy, condescending, or difficult. In addition, if you make a big deal out of your “crazy diet,” your tablemates will, too. If you order confidently and matter-of-factly, as if it’s no big thing, chances are others will follow your lead and not even mention it. Let your servers know that you have some dietary restrictions, and you’ll be asking some questions about the menu. If you know you have legitimate allergies or sensitivities, specify them clearly. Let them know that you really appreciate their help. (We’ll talk about how you can show your appreciation later.) If you’re patient and respectful with the restaurant staff, they’ll show you the same courtesy. DON’T CRY WOLF One point here—don’t cry “allergy” unless it’s true. Patrons who toss that word around casually may ruin it for people who really do have life-threatening allergies to certain ingredients, as the wait staff may become jaded by the number of people who say “allergy” when it’s really just a strong preference. Ask about hidden ingredients (like cheese or croutons on a salad) or preparation methods for everything you’re thinking about ordering. Be firm but nice about your requests. Say things like, “Would it be possible to have that steamed instead of fried?” or “May I please have a side of olive oil and lemon instead of the dressing?” Ask for vegetables to be steamed, grilled, baked, or sautéed with olive oil, instead of fried in vegetable oil. Make sure all baked potatoes come plain, and not smothered in non-clarified butter, cheese, or sour cream. Omelets or scrambled eggs are often infused with milk or pancake batter (!) to make them fluffier, so request shelled eggs, or order them poached. Request individual bottles of olive oil and vinegar and some fresh lemon to use as dressing on salad, vegetables, or meat. You’ll likely have to skip all the sauces and dressings that come with your meal, as they all probably contain sugar. (That goes for ketchup, too!) Ask for fresh salsa, guacamole, olive oil, lemon, or lime if your food needs a little spicing up. CLEVER SUBSTITUTIONS Think outside the menu and get creative! Order sandwiches but double the meat, hold the bread, and place the fillings on garden salad instead. Ask for the pasta toppings on a bed of fresh spinach, substitute the side of fries for double vegetables, or steal the side salad from one dish and ask if they can serve that along with the dish you ordered. Most sushi restaurants will even make riceless rolls upon request! However, it’s important to keep your requests reasonable. It’s fine to ask for a plain baked potato instead of fries, but no one is going to make you zoodles instead of pasta. Order Up! Keep a close eye on your meal as the waiter brings it to the table. Despite your clear communication, sometimes the waiter or chef gets it wrong. If it’s something simple like croutons on your salad (and you’re not highly sensitive to the food in question), just pick them off and enjoy your meal. If your plate arrives with rice, corn, or a side of bread, either politely send it back, or just eat around it as best as you can (unless you have an allergy, in which case you really have to send it back). If you do have to send your meal back, don’t assume it’s your server’s fault, and don’t make a scene. Chances are your order wasn’t simple, and your meal may have required a substitution or special request that the kitchen wasn’t used to handling. Calmly and clearly explain what was wrong and thank your server for taking care of it. Treating restaurant staff with respect paints a great picture of our community (and is generally just the right thing to do). Finally, remember that this social engagement is supposed to be fun. Do the best you can with the menu you have, don’t stress about getting it perfect, and remember that even if your burger is plain or your garden salad is boring, you’re there to commune with the people at your table. (You can always eat an RxBar from your “emergency stash” after the meal if you’re still hungry.) Dealing with Questions If at any point your tablemates ask you about your meal preferences, don’t panic. First, recognize that now is not the time to educate them about the benefits of the Whole30. Seriously. Look around. They’re eating bread, onion rings, pizza, or sandwiches, and maybe having a drink. Do you really want to lecture them about inflammatory proteins and food-with-nobrakes? We call that one, “How to lose friends and alienate people.” Remember that a shared dining experience isn’t actually about the food—it’s about the company, and the social interaction. If someone points out your preferences or order, you can simply say, “I’m doing a ‘nutrition reset’ this month, so I’m eating a little differently.” If they ask for the details, enthusiastically offer to share more information via email, or when you get back to the office. Then, change the subject by posing a question to the group: “Did anyone see the game last night?” or “Anyone been golfing lately?” If the whole table seems interested in your new healthy eating plan (and you feel comfortable sharing some of the details), focus on what you are eating, not what you’re avoiding, and share something personal about your experience. “I’m eating nothing but whole, nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods for 30 days. It’s kind of old-school—like what your greatgrandparents would have eaten. I feel great, and it’s really helping my energy levels.” Then, offer to provide more details after your meal, and (again) change the subject. If you’re uncomfortably pressed or feel like your food choices have been thrown into a negative spotlight, fall back. A humorous but polite, “I hate talking about food over food. Let’s just enjoy the meal, and we can make fun of my weird diet later.” Then, change the subject or excuse yourself to use the restroom, to give the table a chance to come around to a new topic. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT This does get easier with practice, so if your first outing is less than satisfactory, don’t turn into a Good Food hermit. You may be tempted to pass on social situations, but that would be depriving yourself of the support and interaction that helps keep you healthy. (Plus, your friends would then have a point in saying, “You’re no fun when you eat like this.”) The more you get the hang of the program, the easier it will be to apply it in any social setting or restaurant, so plan, prepare, and practice! Check, Please Whew—you made it! Your meal is over, and you’re ready to show your appreciation for your hard-working waiter. When it comes to restaurant gratitude, money talks. Tip your waiter well, especially if this is a restaurant you plan to visit again. If you’re splitting the check with the group, hand your waiter an extra few dollars and say, “Thank you for accommodating my special requests.” And with that, you’re ready to take your happy, healthy self out on the town! Bon appétit. SAY THANKS! Your gratitude shouldn’t stop there! If you had a really great experience or this is your local hang-out, make sure to thank the manager as well, and let them know how much you appreciated the consideration of the wait staff and the chef. Your goal: the next time you come in, they’ll all remember you not as “That Person,” but as “That guy who was really nice.” W travel “My physical therapist, who was treating me for migraines with needling, recommended trying the Whole30. And it has been a miracle for me! My lifelong chronic migraines are almost completely gone as well as many other health problems. I have been able to reduce or eliminate my medications also.” —GAYLE G., SUMMERVILLE, SC hether you’re a frequent flyer, spend tons of time in the car, or are planning a family camping trip, staying Whole30 while traveling isn’t as hard as you might imagine. The key, as you’ll hear us say 172 times in this book, is planning and preparation. TRAVEL CONSIDERATIONS Here are some questions to consider when making your travel plans: What is the duration of my travel time? (Is it a 3-hour flight, or a 24-hour road trip?) Will I be eating in restaurants, from my own stash of food, or both? Are there healthy food stores near where I’m going, or do I have to bring everything from home? Will I have access to a refrigerator, or am I able to bring a cooler? Will I have a space to prepare food (like a kitchenette or camping stove) or does everything have to be grab-andgo? Can I pack a bunch of food to take with me, or is my capacity limited? Are there restrictions on what I can take with me (like liquids when flying)? In general, protein is going to be the hardest to get in good amounts when on the road. Plan ahead and stock up. Cook chicken or salmon the night before you travel, boil a dozen eggs, or whip up a batch of Protein Salad. Under normal climatecontrolled temperatures, all of these will keep for hours without refrigeration, so they’re perfect for a plane ride or road trip. Smoked salmon is often overlooked, but the wild-caught stuff is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Slice, roll around chunks of honeydew melon or mango, secure with a toothpick, and pack. It, too, will keep without refrigeration for up to three hours. We’d avoid canned tuna, sardines, or anchovies, unless you’re willing to endure hours of dirty looks from your fellow travelers. Fruit is an easy carbohydrate source while you’re traveling, but don’t overlook your veggies! Carrots, celery, and bell pepper strips make for crunchy carbs, and are the perfect guacamole or salsa-delivery mechanism. If you’re able, travel with a flexible cutting board and sharp knife to assist you with food prep on the go. (And make sure you pack your own plastic silverware and napkins, in case you don’t have time to stop while dashing through the airport or fueling up.) Canned vegetables like sweet potato, pumpkin, or butternut squash are also a good idea, although you may have a hard time getting them through airport security. In that case, packets of baby food (100 grams or under) are your next best portable carbohydrate option. Ignore the funny looks you’ll get from the TSA when they inspect all your baby food, then notice you don’t have a baby. Finally, don’t ignore the fat! It will help keep you satiated as you travel, and away from the candy aisle in the gas station. Nuts and seeds are an easy, portable fat source when traveling, but they are all too easy to overconsume. Try olives instead! They’re portable, don’t need refrigeration, and you can eat an awful lot for the same amount of fat as an ounce of nuts. Just drain the liquid and pack them in a plastic baggie before your air travel. You can also pack a can of coconut milk (or a few ounces if flying), coconut flakes, coconut butter, or a whole avocado. Refer to our Travel Guide for more detailed recommendations for on-the-go food and helpful hints. CAR CAMPING If you’re hitting the great outdoors on four wheels, bring a giant cooler and stock up on some Pre-Made Paleo. These are chef-prepared, Whole30 Approved, pre-cooked frozen meals perfect for reheating over an open flame or a small camping stove. Imagine dining on Pomegranate Pulled Pork, Grilled Creole Chicken, or Marinated Skirt Steak instead of charred hot dogs. Order vegetable sides to accompany your protein, or bring your own potato salad, roasted root vegetables, or soup to round out your meal. Bonus: bring pineapple chunks to roast over the open flames and you won’t even miss those burned marshmallows. BUSINESS TRAVEL, FROM MELISSA HARTWIG We travel a lot for seminars and events, but we also do research ahead of time, and have been able to successfully manage many Whole30s while on the road. Before we even get on the plane, I know where the nearest grocery stores are located, and which restaurants in the area look like they serve food I can eat. (Yelp is great for this.) I always request a hotel room with a refrigerator, or a kitchenette if available. If we’re cooking in a hotel room, I pack a small amount of coconut oil or other form of cooking fat, as we don’t want to buy an entire jar every time we land somewhere new. Finally, we expect to eat boring-ish food when traveling—we often make do with a burger (no bun, no cheese, no bacon) and side salad in tight spots. As a result, we make sure our variety and food quality are fabulous at home, to make up for the lack of nutrition and flavor we get on the road. Finally, we always pack a stash of on-the-go foods like Primal Pacs, Chomps Snack Sticks, and RxBars for emergency situations like a delayed flight or being stuck in traffic. (See our Travel Guide

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