Many would like to know the difference between hair transplant techniques to choose one of them, and in fact, many techniques have appeared that are distinguished by a distinctive quality and do not leave many effects on the patient’s body, and some people resort to these operations when suffering from baldness or when one of them is exposed to a disease that leads to hair loss. , or the disappearance of the front part of it, so it resorts to filling in those blanks, learn more via the . website Ocean.

The difference between hair transplant techniques

The most powerful hair transplant techniques are the Choi and FUE pens, in addition to the Sapphire technique. There are many differences and advantages between these techniques; As follows:

first differences

  • Choi pens: The recovery period is prolonged after the application of this technique, and it uses a tool designed from plastic material with a circular shape, and it includes a head made of metal.
  • Ambassador technique: The patient recovers quickly after this technique, and a suitable cream is used for the head, which works to reduce inflammation.
  • FUE technique: Made of iron, the person does not recover quickly from it, but the recovery period is prolonged and the scalp becomes red after its application.

second team

  • Choi pens: The bulb is inserted into the pen and is directly implanted once the desired area is opened.
  • Ambassador technique: The channels are opened in a triangular shape, so that the upper part is wide and the lower part is narrow, and the follicles are inserted into them.
  • FUE technique: The scalp is incised with a sharp instrument so that it is in a vertical direction, and the scalp can be damaged if it is planted without attention.

Read also more of the following: Disadvantages of FUE hair transplant

hair transplant techniques
hair transplant techniques

Other differences between hair transplant techniques

There are other differences between hair transplant techniques that it is preferable to know before making a decision to transplant, as follows:

The first difference

  • Choi pens: It does not require implanting many follicles in one session, but rather placing a few, so as not to cause problems in the scalp.
  • Sapphire technique: all the follicles are distributed throughout the head and there are no problems in the scalp.
  • Fusion technology: all follicles are distributed randomly, and the quantity is reduced according to the size that accommodates the device.

The second difference

  • Choi pens: It is possible to transplant approximately three thousand follicles at a time, and the head is not shaved before its application, and the channels can be opened and the follicles implanted at the same time.
  • Sapphire technique: All hair on the head is shaved off, and five thousand follicles can be inserted during the session if the place accepts that.
  • FUE technique: All hairs on the head are shaved off, and five hundred and fifty thousand grafts are inserted into the scalp during the session.

You may be interested in finding more information through the following: Contraindications after hair transplantation

hair transplant techniques
hair transplant techniques

Procedures before hair transplant

It is preferable to activate some procedures before applying hair transplant techniques, so that the person does not face problems during transplantation, most notably the following:

Medical tests

  • It is preferable to perform all the analyzes required by the doctor before the transplant, and it is good to choose a specialist with high experience in this type of operation.

Knowing the techniques

  • It is necessary to know the techniques offered by the center where the transplant will be performed, and to choose the best among them, in addition to knowing the level of care that the person receives.

ex question

  • It is best to ask people who have had these operations before, how satisfied they are with the care provided and any risks they are exposed to.

doctor consultation

  • The specialist must be informed of any medications or painkillers that the person was dependent on during the period preceding the operation.

Avoid alcohol

  • It is preferable to stop alcohol 3 days before the operation, and to leave the hair to grow.

You can enrich your information through the following: Hair transplant damages

hair transplant techniques
hair transplant techniques

Tips after the transplant

After choosing and applying a technique of hair transplantation, you must proceed according to the following guidelines:

collision avoidance

  • It is preferable to keep the head and avoid hitting anything that causes problems for the transplantation process.

how to sleep

  • It is preferable to sleep in a straight position after the first night of the operation, and it is good to use two pillows to help raise the head up.

Avoid touch

  • The person should not touch the hair for two full days after activating the surgery, and it is preferable to stay away from the transplanted area when combing the hair.

Avoid exercise

  • It is preferable to stop swimming or any strenuous exertion or weight lifting for 7 days.

remove bandages

  • The dressings are removed from the head the next day, and antibiotics are taken for 3 days after the operation.

Avoid the iron

  • It is preferable to abandon the iron and any styling tools that emit heat, for a period of seven days, in order to preserve the transplanted hair, in addition to replacing the old brush with a new one.

Continue reading more about: Stages of hair transplantation for baldness sufferers

Hair transplant contraindications

There are many obstacles that make a person stay away from all common hair transplant techniques; As follows:

total baldness

  • Total baldness caused by skin diseases is prohibited for anyone who wants to transplant hair, because the skin on the body cannot cover all areas of the head.

Follicle weakness

  • New follicles do not attach to the head and fall off quickly, if the original was weak due to age or genetic diseases.

Double area

  • Weak areas of the head will not be able to receive hair, because the activity in them is weak, most notably the back of the head.

chronic diseases

  • Chronic diseases prevent the entry of any new follicles into the scalp, and in addition contribute to the distortion of the head, for example alopecia.

Hair transplant techniques vary and vary, and a person can choose the most appropriate one. Among the most famous techniques are Visio and Sapphire, in addition to Choi pens. It is good to apply some instructions before the operation, for example, avoiding alcohol, doing tests and knowing techniques.

There are also procedures that must be activated after the completion of transplantation, including avoiding collision and touch, and among the most famous contraindications to hair transplantation are total baldness, chronic diseases and weak follicles.


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